

      Welcome to the Central Church of Christ Articles Page!  Here you will find articies about Christian Living that
may interest you.  Once we get this page populated with articles, using the article filter tool will be a must.  You can utilize
the " search " function to look  for a specific article that someone may have told you about.  Or if you know the year that it
was published, you can select "Years" and you will be shown all the articles published in that year you select .  Likewise,
you can select "Authors" and you will be shown a list of author's names or select "Topics" and you will be shown a list of
Topics.  The number in parentheses next to Years, Authors, and Topics, indicates how many of each category are in our 
database.  These articles have been studied by one of our adult Sunday School classes, so we would be able to discuss
the content of any article with you.  Please use the " Send a Message" or "Ask a Question" page on the "Contacts" page
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Date Title Author Topic
03/03/23 Heart Attack? Dan Jenkins Christian Heart